Our Organization was born with the mission to support Guatemalan women
who have faced breast cancer and cannot afford reconstructive breast surgery,
to regain their self-confidence, dignity and self-esteem,
and therefore provide them with the empowerment
that every single survivor deserves.

We would like to give back what was taken away from these women
after being diagnosed and having a masectomy,
in order to make them feel whole again, and support them
through the reconstructive process at no cost to them.


To support women who have faced Breast Cancer, by helping them further HEAL outwardly through reconstructive breast surgery, after their inner battle has been fought.


To provide Breast Cancer survivors personalized patient-to-patient emotional support through various programs that aim to connect patients with other survivors, in order to improve their general well-being; and to address different challenges and concerns.


Gear their fundraising efforts by gathering private donations from individuals, businesses, and other charitable organizations, as well as teaming up with likeminded others´ to further their scope and scale of support to Breast Cancer Survivors.


To further support women who have faced Breast Cancer regain their self-confidence, dignity and self-esteem, through the reconstructive surgery process.


Help breast cancer survivors restore their dignity and self-confidence, by facilitating and funding, as needed, reconstructive surgery for those who do not have the adequate financial means to afford this type of surgery, and to educate them on their breast reconstruction options.


MARIA ELENA FLORIDO BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION is the only non-profit Guatemalan Foundation
that will provide reconstructive breast surgeries to women at no cost whatsoever.


Maria Elena Florido Cancer Foundation started thanks to Dr. German Vargas, a Guatemalan prominent plastic surgeon, who’s been recognized as one of the best reconstructive plastic surgeons, changing women’s lives.

The idea of the Cancer Foundation started with his mother’s constant guidance, she always instilled in him the idea of achieving excellence in everything that he set his mind to, and to never forget to humbly give back to those in need. So when Dr. Vargas began to notice during his daily appointments that many women were in great need of breast cancer reconstruction surgery, but could not afford this type of procedure, and worse yet, when he became aware that many of these women were only presented with only one option: full removal of their breast, this sparked a desire in him to transform the lives of these women, and through this opportunity, honoring his mom’s constant guidance and love, therefore giving birth to the Foundation. It is the intention of Dr. Vargas, through his Foundation, to offer this particular group of women an opportunity for empowerment through not only defeating cancer but also to be able to see themselves as the beautiful beings that God created to blossom on this earth.